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All are optional, but to us it means the world!

Friday, May 29, 2015

Let's Talk Our New Look...

Do You Like It? We care. We want to know!

Out With The Old In With The New!

Oh the lovely clutter of a crafting room. We recently organized our craft room, and we have a few tips that might just help you unclutter yours.

First of all...
LET GO! It will be difficult to say goodbye to all of that torn paper. Recycle it, and know that it will be used again for a good purpose. Throw away all of the broken bins... You can always buy new ones.
Oh, and those broken scissors that have been through everything with you... There are always new ones.
First of all, don't expect this to be a clean project. You, as a crafter, should know that the best of

projects take up the most time, space, and stress.

Make three piles...
The first one is a trash bag, or recycling bin if you are Eco friendly!
The next one is a " um... Maybe" pile.
The last one is a keep pile. Try not to make this the ONLY PILE.
Old pens can be thrown, so can glitter. No buts!

Hobby Lobby has some great bins!
Target has awesome drawers!
Remember that old bins can always get a new coat of paint or be wrapped in new fabric! This is a great way to get rid of all of those unwanted fabric scraps!

We have recently added a new board on our Pinterest that has some great ideas.

Find and follow us @ Crafty Solutions
Please let us know what you thought in the comment sections below or email us
- One of your crafty friends!
The image on this post, if there is an image comes from wikimedia commons
Author: Bastet78

The New Blog... Everything You Need To Know.

  Your Crafty Friends have decided to make crafting so much more convenient! We decided to make a separate blog just for the God Girl Mondays. This blog will have lots of things about faith. The main posts will still be posted on this blog, but you won't get the full benefit unless you come on the blog itself. We will post the link shortly... STAY TUNED

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

God Girl......... Wednesday! What to read when you have lost your faith. There is a God.

You NEED To Know Nothing.

Science tells us that the entire universe was created by a big bang, and that we have a "self-creating" universe.
Science also tells us that humans went through evolution.
People tell us that we can't believe in God if we believe in any one of these, or both.

Religion tells us that God created the universe.

We will never be able to completely understand exactly how God created the universe. This is a problem for most human beings, including me. I am the kind of person, that needs hard facts. I almost lost my faith because of this bad habit. I hope that after reading this post you will never doubt God.

No human was there to write the creation story into the Bible, as it was happening. We believe that God guided the writers of the bible to write the creation story; in fact the Bible is not said to be completely historically accurate until the time of Abraham. This does not mean that whatever happened before this didn't happen, it just means that a few of the details may have changed a bit. Like EXACTLY what was said or what color a certain object was.

I can see how the evolution of humans could be partly true.
To me that just makes God WAY smarter because I know that there is no way that humans could have ever survived like we are now in past climates.

We don't know exactly how God did it, but he did create the universe, and we know that he did it out of love. That's all we need to know.

Don't let anyone set any standards to your faith because you don't need to know anything to have faith.
You're probably better off without knowing anything, to be honest.

God has worked many miracles in my life, enough for me to believe. I can't explain how those happened either, but I know that they did. That's enough for me.

Saturday, May 23, 2015

How To Make Your Driveway Pop

How to get the kids out of the house but to also add some color to your summer...

                                           MAGICAL SIDEWALK PAINT

What you need:
- corn starch
-food coloring
- squirt bottles ( one for every color)
-baking soda
1.fill each bottle with 2/3 of corn starch and baking soda
2.add a few drops of food coloring and fill the rest of the bottle with water
3.stir the mixture together and go outside and have fun.

Monday, May 18, 2015

A fashionable craft you and your friends can rock!

This summer when you get together with friends for a sleepover or just to hang out here is fun little craft that they can take home with them...

What you will need:
- a t-shirt ( any color you would like)
- freezer paper
- something to cut with
- something to write with ( a pencil works best )
- fabric paint ( any color you desire)
- sponge brush
- an iron
- tape ( optional and use tape that is not very sticky )

1.Decide what you want to stencil on your shirt and trace or freehand it on the papery side of your freezer paper.
2.Now take your cutting tool and cut out all the things you traced that you want to be covered in paint.
3.Position your stencil on your paper and iron it on (no steam), if you decide to tape the edges to reassure that the stencil stays in place.
4.Put a piece of cardboard inside the shirt that way the fabric paint doesn't leak through, then you can  take your fabric paint and paint your design with your sponge brush.
Quick Tips:
I would let my shirt dry for a day just to make sure the paint is dry.
Also the paint might leak a little in the tiny cracks near where you paint so just be careful.

Me and my crafty friends are sure to have fun doing this and we hope you do too.

           - one of your crafty friends

Sunday, May 17, 2015

The Good News... May 17th 2015

Today's Good News

For More Good News Please Go To Good News Network or Celebrity Birthdays.

Sooo Many Bugs...

Don't worry, it's not just any bugs, it's butterflies.
Apparently, new vineyards are attracting them which makes a beautiful scene for any visitors to the vineyard so... go butterflies!

Today Was Annual Endangered Species Day.

Many animals are subject to leave the list very soon!!! One for sure is the humpback whale, our huge friend.

Let's Talk About Water

Many people are making a change for the better when it comes to water. The better the water, the healthier the creatures living in it are.

It seems like it was a great day for animals!

Picture provided by Charlesjsharp.

Get Ready!!!!!!:)



Don't worry. You are not offending us at all! We were actually thinking the same thing. Our craft experts here at crafty friends, have been trying their best to give you the best craft, like, ever!
We don't want to give you one craft;we want to give you many amazing and totally awesome crafts and life hacks, all in one post. So stay tune for crafts for Mama and the whole family!

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Mothers Day Craft!

Our first craft. Yay! This is, like, beyond exciting!
So mothers day is tomorrow, and you don't have a gift.
Whether you are a kid or a grown up, we know how much you love your mama, so don't worry...
We'll help you out!

Ok kids, Mothers love anything with hand prints on it, so that should be your go to option.
This ones for everyone... Here are things that you could buy her...

  • flowers- Mothers just love flowers, but she'll love it even more if it comes from you!
  • Her favorite candy- Another thing that moms really like is chocolate. Normally, they will have a personal preference when it comes to candy
Trust me, we know what it's like to just throw together a last minute gift so...

Go to our Pinterest Mother's Day board!

The one that my mother absolutely loved was this little craft!

Click PLAY For The Tutorial
LOL! Like people still don't know!

Say Goodbye to Our Little Radio!

  We have tried numerous times to make the little radio on this blog work for us and our viewers, and it just wasn't working for us! We took it off because we felt like not only were we encouraging good music, we were also encouraging bad music. Your music is your music, but we did not want to contribute to anything of the sort. Here are a few Pandora stations that we highly recommend while you are crafting...

  1. Jamie Grace Radio
  2. Toby Mac Radio
  3. Francesca Battistelli 
  4. Casting Crowns
These are amazing Christian artists! There music is very modern and up-to-date.
Jamie Grace, isn't only a Christian artists, she is also an exceptional speaker. You can actually listen to her podcast. She talks to children and teens about following God's path. I can't deny it, but... I absolutely love her music. Her messages are amazing!

Toby's music is pretty awesome too! He's actually part of the reason that Jamie Grace is where she is. Oh, and God too, I'm sure, has helped.

Francesca is so amazing! Every song that she has ever written I have just adored. Her songs are so true, and I believe that quite a few of them have drawn me closer to God.

Casting Crowns is another Christian band that has great music! I don't know too much about them, except that they LOVE God. Isn't that everything that we need to know?

These stations are completely clean and kid friendly!
-Your Crafty Friends.

Monday, May 4, 2015

God Girl Monday! Post #2

  His Divine Plan

We all face some difficulties in our lives,unfortunately. Sometimes we may feel that we're all alone when we are trying to make the grade that we want or trying to hit that baseball out of the park. There are somethings that we dream of doing ever since we can remember that we haven't quite mastered yet. Your plans might not always be supported by others, even if they are good plans.
   In that moment, when you feel absolutely hopeless, remember...


There is someone out there who loves you more than you or any other human being could ever love anything! Someone who cares about you so much and wants to hear everything that you have to say, and someone who thinks that you are so amazing they just can't stop thinking about you even though they have millions of other things to do...
GOD, that's who.
The absolutely perfect being who has created the entire universe loves you more than you can imagine. He is constantly giving you the opportunity to get closer to him, but do you always take it? Honestly none of us do! We value an invitation to someone's birthday party more than we value God's invitation. We also value our classmate's opinions more than we value God's.
  Do you want to know an amazing secret!???
If you want your plans to be fulfilled in the best way possible, make God apart of your plan.
He might not always approve of your plan, and that's ok. He will take that plan and make it even better because who else knows what's best for you than your creator? Include him in your prayers, share with him your plans, and tell him about your day, even though he already knows what happened. He loves you!