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We would also love for you to subscribe and become a part of our crafty family!
All are optional, but to us it means the world!

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Please! Don't stop the music.

    Hey Everyone!
We recently added a radio to our blog. We're just testing it out, You can adjust the volume or completely turn it off if you would like to. You are welcome to change it to any channel that you would please. right now, we are not quite sure how it works, but here is our favorite music for you to craft to,

Because we are a Christian blog, we recommend the family friendly Christian station for all of your crafting.
 To get there follow the following steps...

  1. Click on "other genres"
  2. Click on "Religious"
  3. Click on the family friendly station.
It's that simple.
Of course, because we love you so much, we gave you all sorts of genres to play with, but this one, in our opinion, is by far the best!
Written With Lots of Love and Laughs,
Your Crafty Friends!

God Girl Monday... Now Tuesday Post #1

     Don't Get Lost Along The Way!

   The older you get, the harder it may be it stay on the path. I know what you're thinking... Great, another one who thinks life is a highway. Next they're going to tell me that wrong turns are everywhere, and we need to avoid them, or what may seem cool may not be the right thing. I know its right, but I've read, like, tons of stuff like that, and I'm tired of it!

The truth is, I could sit here writing to you all day about stuff that you have heard millions of times before. When we here things too much, they start to loose their meaning. For example, many of the prayers that are spoken often begin to loose their meaning after a while of saying them too. Unintentionally, we say them without even thinking about it. God tries to listen but how is he going to answer your prayer if you aren't even praying. 
Answer the following questions...
When was the last time I actually prayed?
When was the last time I thanked God instead of constantly asking him for things that I need?
When was the last time that I fell to my knees in awe of my creator?

Ok, Yeah, yeah, Huh?
What do you mean, fell to my knees in awe?

I don't know what your answer was, but most people will struggle answering these.

It's ok, let me show you what I mean. Take a look at this picture.

This is a real picture! It's most commonly known as "Pillars of Creation".
Yes God made this and so much more.
Do you have any posters of bands that are currently popular? Do you notice how some people, maybe even you, can get obsessed with the latest "thing"? It's ok to really like a new thing, but it is unhealthy to completely obsess over these things.
Just remember that if God can create EVERYTHING, then he can do ANYTHING! Start to notice all of the amazing things in our world and ask yourself, could I have done that?
  These bands are melting our hearts, but why? It is because they have cute hair and they write really cool songs. God created the universe and everything in it. Do we have posters of him on our walls?
God can do anything. Does he have his own comic book series? Not that I know of. A lot of people believe that idolatry just worshiping a golden calf or a statue. Believe it or not, that is incorrect! Idolatry could be worshiping your phone. Anything that COMPLETELY prevents you from worshiping God is idolatry.
Always make time for your creator. He loves to hear from you!
Here's our prayer for the week...
Dear Loving Father,
Sometimes I may take for granted all of the beautiful things that you have put in this world for me. Help me to remember that you are the biggest super star that there is! No one can ever replace you. People are humans, and they may sometimes let me down, but you never do. If you don't answer my prayer, you have an even better plan for me. Help me to except that plan, and make this world a better, not worse, place in everything I do. You, my absolutely perfect father, will do anything for me, a sinner. Create in me a pure heart. THANK YOU, FOR EVERYTHING!
The picture in this post was taken by the Hubble Telescope. Nasa is responsible for it. Thank you Nasa!

Monday, April 27, 2015

God Girl Monday!

   Hey Everyone! It's God Girl Monday! God Girl Monday is a post that comes almost every Monday, and sometimes, we may have God Girl Fridays. This post is mainly for teenage girls, but it can be read by anyone. We encourage everyone to join in on the topic that we set for this week in the comment section. We also would like to hear what you think of these posts, like always, so please send us a kind email! Our topics come from tween and teenage girls who write to us.This may make our posts seem more relateable.

Sunday, April 26, 2015


Scientists have discovered a species of frogs that looks exactly like Kermit The Frog!
This frog joins the glass frog species and is said to inhabit Costa Rica!
Their scientific name is... Hyalinobatrachium dianae. 
Seems like the Muppet characters are more real than we think.  

Plenty of people are celebrating Earth Day this week!
Here are a few accomplishments that we consider amazing, although we are almost positive that yours was awesome too!

  1. Nasa is working to fight deforestation by building a drone that is supposed to plant seeds where areas are in most need of trees. Thank You Nasa! They always have such brilliant ideas!
  2. Earlier this week, Humpback whales made it off of the endangered species list!
  3. A Dutch man cleaned up an entire river bank on his daily commute to work! What a great man!
Happy Birthday To...

Channing Tatum
Jason Earles
Kevin James
Jet Li
Stana Katic
Sterling Griffith
Tionne Watkins
Jordana Brewster
Tom Welling
And everyone else who is celebrating their birthday on this beautiful day! Remember, everyday is a day to be celebrated!

If You Have A Birthday Or Special Occasion That You Would Like To Be Added To Next Weeks Post, Please Send Us An Email!

We would also love to hear about what you think of the good news, so send us a KIND email;)

The lovely picture of Kermit the Frog at the Smithsonian was provided by Kevin Burkett.
Thank you so much Kevin for the beautiful picture, you are truly great at photography! 

All of this information was provided to us by... and
All information does not belong to us. It is news and allowed to share. Nothing from any of these sites was copied or pasted. We simply read and shared about what we read. Therefore, we would like to thank these websites for the GOOD work that they are doing by sharing this information.

The "Good News" Series!

 I have wonderful news for all of you out there who just started reading our blog. There are so many new benefits to this blog that we would like for you to take advantage of. Here is one that we will post later today!

  Anyone who watches the news, knows that most of the things you hear about are disappointing. We want to change that. From now on, this blog will do a "Good News" series, and we will post it on this blog for all to see! This will occur every Sunday at no given time. We hope you take advantage of this! If you aren't a big crafter, but you enjoy family life, Christianity, and good news, this is the blog for you!
Please Subscribe

Written With Love,
Your Crafty Friends

Saturday, April 11, 2015


Many of you may be familiar with our blog from the past,
One day recently, as we were beginning to blog, we began to wonder, "If I were looking for a crafting blog, would this be the place for me to go?". Although we had a lot of page views, very few were returning page views and that worried us. I quickly searched us through Google and I had an extremely hard time finding the blog. We decided that it would be a good idea to start fresh and new with a brand new email, Pinterest, and blog! Why is a new email so great? well, we no longer have the past burdens of all of our failed attempts, Also, with the new email, we can have efficient communication with our crafters. They no longer have to ask us questions that they would rather be personal through the comments like they had to before. Hopefully we will get many new subscribers.

Not only will our blog be better, but we will be better at posting tutorials and pictures to help you with your crafts!

Think of this blog as Craft Friend's Craft Solutions 2.0! 

Please Subscribe!
Follow us on Pinterest! (Crafty Solutions)
Email Us! (On any new crafts that you want us to do, or anything really!)

*Please leave emails for showing us crafts that you may have, ask questions through comments if they are not personal. Please keep all emails clean and positive. Before sending always ask yourself if your grandma or teacher would approve. Here at Crafty Friend's Crafty Solutions we have a ONE strike rule. Any inappropriate emails will be handled appropriately. You may loose all email access! Thank you for following the rules!

Happy Crafting!
- Your Crafty Friends!